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Our booking process consists of a few stages. This will allow us to gain an understanding of your needs and exceed all expectations.

Brain Storming on Paper


Quotes and Estimates

This stage incudes receiving a client’s worktop plans.


- Understanding our client’s kitchen workplan.

- Identifying the needs of the customer and their material choice.

- Recognizing how many slabs our clients will need.

- If the team has all the full information needed, a quote will be instantly sent back to the client. However, if there is information that the team may need to gather, we will contact the client to receive the full information before sending a quote back.  


The Approval

This stage follows up from the Quotes stage, where the client is happy with the price given and wishes to proceed.


- Once deposit has been made, material will be ordered instantly.

- If the material is out of stock, we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know.

Image by Valentina Giarre



In addition to the material being ordered, we would require booking you in for a template, ensuring that the kitchen units are in place and ready for templating. 


- Our professional templater will go to site to measure any worktops needing to be fitted. They will also analyse the premises and provide honest feedback to us and the client regarding the job.

- All cut outs such as sink, hob, tap and sockets will be determined and taken into consideration on site. 

- For future references, we advise that all appliances are on-site so that our templater gathers all the information he needs.

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